ServerGIANT Consignment
If you have surplus equipment, we can pick up, store and consign for you

Our Consignment System
If you have recently replace your networking equipment we can help you in managing your unused assets. Older assets always carry some value. We can help to assess and advise what can be recovered. Read more.
Asset Assessment
We can visit where the unused assets are or we can assess electronically. Send us a breakdown of the assets and we can come to a fair market value. We may be able to make you an offer same day!!
We can pickup and consign your unused equipment for storage at our secure facility and consign these item for sale after in house assessment. This meanS you will be paid for you unused equipment when it sells. We will handle all the marketing, sales and shipping associated.
Preferred Assets
We mostly deal in Networking Equipment and parts associated. We are interested in TECH PRODUCTS. This includes computers, servers, switches, routers. We are also always looking for other IT products such as used cell phones, tablets etc.
Get in Touch
If you have unused assets that need to be moved. Please do not throw them away. They will go into the landfill. We have use for them. They are required for components and there are other places in need of technology. Please call or email us.